I don’t really believe in goals as a fixed entities. As I am way too fond of saying, any damn fool can have a plan. The key is the re-planning, the adjustments that happen along the way.
But I do see value in stating things, and stating them in ways that a community is able to witness and engage if they so desire. So, my writing goals for this year:
- By mid-year, have a completed outdraft (my made up term for what I am doing right now, which is more than an outline but less than a draft) of the rest of In Time.
- Find a home, whether self-published or elsewhere, for Readings, which means having a finalfinal draft done in the next few months.
- Gain some clarity on the future of In Time. Do I just start self-publishing chapters and see if an audience can be found that way? Do I engage in the agent-pitch-submission process? My guess is there is no “right” answer, but I need to be better informed.
- Finally, continue to post Reading Well‘s with some regularity. They help me reflect on what I read, and, who knows, may be useful someday for others. Not as useful as @The Movies with PopPop, of course, but still …
We’ll see. I know that I am happier and healthier when I feel like I am productively and creatively writing.