An Update on the Reading Well

I miss having a semi-current log of what I’ve read and what I’m reading. So I’m going to try to get back on the horse with Reading Well.

It may take a while to catch back up.

I know this is a bit of an anachronism, a throwback to the days when blogs were things and you could actually find information on the internet independent of its infinite marketplaces. But I also have no illusions: this is an autobiographical record, terribly unlikely to be of interest to anyone else. These are certainly not reviews, per se–they lack the length and the specificity, and I try to write them without spoilers (or even, you know, character names) as much as possible.

So that makes them, I would guess, less useful for friends and family (and anyone else) that may stumble across them.

I’m OK with that and, in fact, one of the clear outcomes of wanting to start it back up again (and catch up with the backlog) is putting even less of high bar on them, less of a need to revise and polish.

So, we’ll see. But I would expect something to land every couple of weeks, and that would mean catching up to what I’m currently reading perhaps by year’s end.

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